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Imprint Issue 20

Issue 20

Dorothee Richter

Michael Birchall

Amber Hickey, Dorothee Richter, Lindsey V. Sharman, Silvia Simoncelli

Liam Gillick, Goldin+Senneby, Wade Guyton, Amber Hickey, Maria Lind, Damian Navarro, Roberto Nigro, Véronique Ribordy, Dorothee Richter, Meyer Shapiro, Lindsey V. Sharman, Silvia Simoncelli, Tommy Støckel, Stefan Wagner

Interviews conducted by
Melanie Büchel, Marina Lopes Coelho, Silvia Simoncelli

Mark Kyburz, Silvia Simoncelli (Carte Blanche), Judith Rosenthal

Editorial Assistance
Amber Hickey

Graphic Design Tweentieth Issue
Biotop 3000

Cover image
Wade Guyton, Untitled (floor piece), plywood and paint, detail. Installed at White Space Zurich, 2011. Photo: Marina Lopes Coelho.

Supported by
Postgraduate Programme in Curating, Institute Cultural Studies, Department Cultural Analysis,
Zurich University of the Arts

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Issue 20

Total Abstraction

Amber Hickey, Dorothee Richter, Lindsey V. Sharman, Silvia Simoncelli


Amber Hickey and Lindsey Sharman

Abstract Possible: The Zurich Test

Meyer Shapiro

Nature of Abstract Art

Liam Gillick


Marina Lopes Coelho

Interview with Tommy Støckel

Silvia Simoncelli

Interview with Wade Guyton

Damian Navarro with an introduction by Véronique Ribordy

Carte Blanche

Melanie Buchel, Marina Lopes Coelho and Silvia Simoncelli

A Question of Funding