Giorgio Agamben

Beyond Human Rights

Subsequently published as a facsimile, this English translation of the original Italian text (1993) was first published in Giorgio Agamben, Means without End. Notes on Politics in Theory Out of Bounds, Vol. 20 (Minneapolis/London: University of Minnesota Press, 2000).



Giorgio Agamben (b. 1942 Rome/IT) is one of the leading figures in Italian philosophy and radical political theory, and in recent years, his work has had a deep impact on contemporary scholarship in a number of disciplines in the Anglo-American intellectual world. Agamben completed studies in Law and Philosophy with a doctoral thesis on the political thought of Simone Weil, and participated in Martin Heidegger’s seminars on Hegel and Heraclitus as a postdoctoral scholar. He has taught at various universities, including the Universities of Macerata and Verona and was Director of Programmes at the Collège Internationale de Paris. He has been a visiting professor at various universities in the USA, and was a Distinguished Professor at the New School in New York City. He caused a controversy when he refused to submit to the “biopolitical tattooing” requested by the United States Immigration Department for entry to the USA in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

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Issue 30

Work, Migration, Memes, Personal Geopolitics

Dorothee Richter, Tanja Trampe, Eleonora Stassi


A Discussion with Almut Rembges, Philipp Lutz, Katharina Morawek by Makiko Takahashi, Lisa Lee Benjamin, Franziska Stern

Collaboration and Migration

Giorgio Agamben

Beyond Human Rights

Dialogue between Sadou Bah and Ludovica Parenti in Collaboration with Emilie Bruner

Autonome Schule Zürich

An Interview with Esther Eppstein by Agustina Struengmann

Esther Eppstein on Making Zurich a Home for Art and Artists

Conversations with Fany Flores & Bea Schwager by Mariana Bonilla Rojas, Cordelia Oppliger, Silvia Savoldi

“We have to live a quiet life.” The Voice of the Sans Papiers

A Conversation with Melanie Muñoz from the Association Lysistrada by Diana Padilla

For Whose Own Good?

Vreni Spieser in Conversation with Silvia Converso

ELDORADO – Where Would You Search for It?


The Glorious 7

Maurizio Lazzarato

Immaterial Labor

A Conversation with Martin Krenn by Katrijn Van Damme & Petra Tomljanović

Heterogeneous History, a Never-ending Story

An Interview with Tim Zulauf by Katya Knoll

Collective Identity Provides No Insights

Marion von Osten

New Borderlands

A Formal/Informal Conversation with Rayelle Niemann by Paloma Rayón & Silvia Savoldi

Maandish balad

Rayelle Niemann

HEIMAT / watan

Anne-Julchen Bernhardt in Conversation with Hana Cisar

“There is no limit, I’m very happy with hybrid bastards.”